Working HoursM - S: 9AM - 4PM
3590 Hwy 50 EastCarson City, NV 89701
Over 30 Years of Experience Installation and Maintenance of every kind of Landscape

Lawn Care

Lawn Care, Carson City, NV

Proper lawn care is crucial for maintaining a healthy, vibrant outdoor space that enhances your property's aesthetic appeal and provides numerous functional and environmental benefits. A well-maintained lawn acts as a natural air filter, capturing dust and pollutants while also contributing to erosion control and temperature regulation.

A lush, green lawn can increase property values, boost curb appeal, and create a welcoming atmosphere for residents and visitors alike. Regular mowing, fertilization, weed control, and aeration are essential to promote strong root growth, nutrient absorption, and overall lawn vitality, ensuring your outdoor space remains a source of pride and enjoyment for years.

Tom Ediss Landscape, Inc. is a well-recognized landscaping company in Carson City, NV, and takes pride in offering superior services tailored to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our highly trained professionals use state-of-the-art equipment, we provide comprehensive solutions to maintain lush, healthy lawns that enhance the curb appeal and value of your commercial property.

Lawn Thatching

Our professional lawn thatching service is essential for maintaining a healthy, vibrant lawn. Over time, a buildup of thatch, which consists of dead grass stems, roots, and other organic matter, can accumulate between the soil and the green grass. Excessive thatch can prevent proper air, water, and nutrient circulation, leading to poor grass growth and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases. Our experienced technicians utilize specialized equipment to remove this unwanted layer of debris, allowing your lawn to breathe and thrive. Regular thatching improves the overall health and appearance of your lawn and ensures that your grass can effectively absorb water, fertilizers, and other essential treatments.

Lawn Plugging

If your lawn is suffering from bare or thinning patches, our lawn plugging service is the ideal solution. Plugging involves transplanting small sections of healthy turf, known as plugs, from a nursery into the affected areas of your lawn. These living grass plugs quickly establish roots and spread, filling bare spots with lush, green growth.

Our experts carefully select the appropriate grass variety and prepare the soil for successful transplantation. Plugging is an effective and efficient way to restore a seamless, uniform appearance to your lawn without the need for extensive seeding or sodding. By addressing bare patches promptly, plugging prevents further deterioration and promotes a dense, resilient lawn that can withstand foot traffic and environmental stresses.

Lawn Aerating

Proper aeration is crucial for maintaining a healthy, thriving lawn. Over time, soil can become compacted, restricting the flow of air, water, and nutrients to the grass roots. Our professional lawn aerating service involves mechanically removing small soil cores from your lawn and creating pathways for essential elements to reach the root zone. This process improves soil drainage, reduces water runoff, and encourages deeper root growth, resulting in a more robust and resilient lawn.

Regular aeration is particularly beneficial for lawns that experience heavy foot traffic or have clay-rich soils. Our skilled technicians utilize specialized aerating equipment to ensure even distribution and optimal penetration, leaving your lawn better equipped to absorb nutrients and withstand environmental stresses.

Our customized approach ensures your lawn receives the attentive care it deserves, leaving a lasting impression on clients and visitors alike. For more information, call Tom Ediss Landscape, Inc. on 775-267-3066. Please email us through this Online Form if you prefer to write to us. We are here to help you with lawn care solutions that work best for your needs and your property.

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